Advanced Devices for Energy Conversion


Applied Physics Letters
년도 2013
학술지명 Applied Physics Letters
논문명 Enhancing quantum efficiency of parallel-like bulk heterojunction solar cells
게재권/집 103/12
수록페이지 123301
저자명 Ji-Won Seo, Sang-Hoon Lee, and Jung-Yong Lee*
Link 관련링크 1211회 연결


We report enhanced internal quantum efficiency and absorption of parallel-like bulk heterojunction small molecular organic solar cells by inserting multi-functional layers (MFLs). The inserted MFL has an energy level between main donor and acceptor levels, assisting exciton dissociation of the charge transfer state and charge transport from active layers to electrodes. Furthermore, two donors having complementary absorption spectra yield higher and broader absorption efficiency. When a ClAlPc:C60 layer was inserted as a MFL on CuPc:C60, the short circuit current (Jsc) was improved, leading to an increase of the power conversion efficiency from 2.34% to 2.71%.