Advanced Devices for Energy Conversion


Advanced Materials
년도 2018
학술지명 Advanced Materials
논문명 A Colloidal-Quantum-Dot-Based Self-Charging System via the Near-Infrared Band
게재권/집 30/25
수록페이지 1707224
저자명 Se-Woong Baek†, Jungmin Cho†, Joo-Seong Kim, Changjo Kim, Kwangmin Na, Sang-Hoon Lee, Sunhong Jun, Jung Hoon Song, Sohee Jeong, Jang Wook Choi*, and Jung-Yong Lee*
Link 관련링크 937회 연결


A novel self‐charging platform is proposed using colloidal‐quantum‐dot (CQD) photovoltaics (PVs) via the near‐infrared (NIR) band for low‐power electronics. Low‐bandgap CQDs can convert invisible NIR light sources to electrical energy more efficiently than wider spectra because of reduced thermalization loss. This energy‐conversion strategy via NIR photons ensures an enhanced photostability of the CQD devices. Furthermore, the NIR wireless charging system can be concealed using various colored and NIR‐transparent fabric or films, providing aesthetic freedom. Finally, an NIR‐driven wireless charging system is demonstrated for a wearable healthcare bracelet by integrating a CQD PVs receiver with a flexible lithium‐ion battery and entirely embedding them into a flexible strap, enabling permanent self‐charging without detachment.