Advanced Devices for Energy Conversion


Optics Express
년도 2018
학술지명 Optics Express
논문명 Homo-tandem structures to achieve the ideal external quantum efficiency in small molecular organic solar cells
게재권/집 26/14
수록페이지 A697
저자명 Sang-Hoon Lee, and Jung-Yong Lee*
Link 관련링크 1101회 연결


In this study, we report a homo-tandem structure of small molecular organic solar cells (SMOSCs) using identical single-junction devices as sub-cells. The trade-off between the absorption and internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of single-junction devices tends to limit the external quantum efficiency (EQE). However, multiple-stacked thin cells with maximized IQE in homo-tandem structures amplify the absorption to achieve the ideal EQE. As a result, a high power conversion efficiency of 7.81% is achieved in tetraphenyldibenzoperiflanthene (DBP):C70-based homo-tandem SMOSCs, which is 21.8% higher than that in a single-junction device.