Advanced Devices for Energy Conversion


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Research 목록
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Next-generation light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and Displays

Electronic devices are essential equipment for people today and provide a lot of useful information for their lives. An efficient way to convey tons of information from electronic devices is through displays. Therefore, for a clearer and more efficient display, advanced light-emitting diodes are needed necessarily. In our group, we research about synthesis and modification of materials, and optimization of device structure for advanced next-generation LEDs.


Solar cells/Photodetectors

Organic Solar Cells

Organic Solar Cells (OSC) are photovoltaic that uses organic electronic, a branch of electronics that deals with conductive organic polymers or small organic molecules, for light absorption and charge transport to produce electricity from sunlight by the photovoltaic effect. Recently, OSCs have attracted tremendous attention due to its low cost, flexibility, and semi-transparency fabrication, so we can make flexible or stretchable OSCs.

Perovskite Solar Cells

Perovskite solar cells are one of the next generation solar cells that are receiving the most attention for their highest efficiency and excellent optical and electrical characteristics among the third generation solar cells. In our lab, we are researching a cost-effective process using a spin coating process to fabricate a high-efficiency perovskite solar cell. This field is actively researching by combining optical approaches, electrical approaches, and device approaches to improve efficiency.

Quantum Dot Solar Cells

Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) are promising materials for next generation solar cells due to the fact that their optical and electrical properties can be controlled by varying quantum dot size or exchanging capping ligands. By utilizing surface chemistry modification of CQDs through ligand exchange, better control over band energy alignment and improvement in charge extraction can be achieved.


Infrared photodetectors form vital components of many electrical and opto-electronic devices as they facilitate the conversion of invisible light into an electric signal that can be processed by standard read-out electronics.

They have found various applications such as in spectroscopy, broad-range infrared detection for night vision, optical communication and biomedical imaging, etc. Recently, as internet of things (IoT) and autonomous driving technology are emerged, the needs of high sensitive and low cost infrared photodetectors are increased.


Next Generation Semiconducting Devices

Nano Film Morphology Engineering

Fabrication of high quality semiconductor films is one of the most important field in electronic devices. As an alternative of vacuum system, our group developed the Marangoni effect for fabrication of high quality semiconductor films. When the solution is dropped into liquid, thin film can be formed by the difference in tension. Adjusting solvent or additive and post processes allows to control the film morphology.

Organic Field Effect Transistors

Solution processable organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) have gained considerable attention as promising building blocks for a wide range of next-generation flexible electronic applications. Our group developed a general method to form high-quality organic films on a liquid substrate based on the spontaneously spreading (SS) phenomenon and applied this process to fabricate solution-processable OFETs by using a dry process to directly transfer polymer films formed on a water surface onto polymeric dielectric layers. By taking advantage of the proposed process, we successfully demonstrated flexible OFETs exhibiting high electrical properties despite the mild thermal treatment.


Stretchable Optoelectronics

Stretchable Devices

As the interests of wearable devices has increased, flexible & stretchable optoelectronics are attracting great attention. Thin-film solar cells such as organic solar cell and colloidal quantum dot solar cell are being concerned as power sources in wearable devices due to their low-cost, flexible and light weight characteristics. We focus on improving mechanical behavior in various material combinations and designing efficient structure for high power conversion efficiency and mechanical stability.

Transparent Electrodes

An outstanding performance of a transparent conductive electrode (TCE) is essential for efficient electronic devices including solar cells, future displays, and bio-sensors. While ITO has occupied the most of the present TCE market, but it has critical shortcomings that it is expensive and brittle. Therefore, the requirement for alternative TCE is also increasing. We investigate the novel transparent conductors such as metal nanowire, metal nanonetwork graphene, CNT, PEDOT:PSS to replace ITO. These novel transparent conductors can be the basis of the next generation electronic devices.

Stretchable Electrodes

Stretchable/flexible electronics have attracted significant interest as an exciting research field due to their possible applications in high-end technologies including wearable, large area, and bio-integrated devices. To fabricate these, stretchable electrodes are indispensable element to provide both durability and high electronic performance at highly strained states. Our researches focus on developing novel methods to present intrinsically stretchable electrodes with superior reliability under high strain condition and repetitive stretching.



Next-generation light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and Display

Electronic devices are essential equipment for people today and provide a lot of useful information for their lives. An efficient way to convey tons of information from electronic devices is through displays. Therefore, for a clearer and more efficient display, advanced light-emitting diodes are needed necessarily. In our group, we research about synthesis and modification of materials, and optimization of device structure for advanced next-generation LEDs.


Solar cells/Photodetectors

Organic Solar Cell

Organic Solar Cell (OSC) is a type of photovoltaic that uses organic electronic, a branch of electronics that deals with conductive organic polymers or small organic molecules, for light absorption and charge transport to produce electricity from sunlight by the photovoltaic effect. Recently, OSCs have attracted tremendous attention due to its low cost, flexibility, and semi-transparency fabrication, so we can make flexible or stretchable OSCs.

Perovskite Solar Cell

Perovskite solar cells are one of the next generation solar cells that are receiving the most attention for their highest efficiency and excellent optical and electrical characteristics among the third generation solar cells. In our lab, we are researching a cost-effective process using a spin coating process to fabricate a high-efficiency perovskite solar cell. This field is actively researching by combining optical approaches, electrical approaches, and device approaches to improve efficiency.

Quantum Dot Solar Cell

Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) are promising materials for next generation solar cells due to the fact that their optical and electrical properties can be controlled by varying quantum dot size or exchanging capping ligands. By utilizing surface chemistry modification of CQDs through ligand exchange, better control over band energy alignment and improvement in charge extraction can be achieved.


Infrared photodetectors form vital components of many electrical and opto-electronic devices as they facilitate the conversion of invisible light into an electric signal that can be processed by standard read-out electronics.
They have found various applications such as in spectroscopy, broad-range infrared detection for night vision, optical communication and biomedical imaging, etc. Recently, as internet of things (IoT) and autonomous driving technology are emerged, the needs of high sensitive and low cost infrared photodetectors are increased.