Advanced Devices for Energy Conversion


Jihyung Lee

Ph. D. Candidate

M.S. in School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST (2023)

B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Hongik University (2021)

Research interests

Colloidal quantum dots

Optoelectronic devices

 Journal Publications 

1. J. Lee†, C. Sun†, J. Park†, C. Kim, S.Lee, D. Lee, M.-H. Lee, B. Kim, Y. H. Kim, J. Kim, S. Lee, S. Jeong, W. B. Ying, X. Song, S. Cho, F. Rotermund*, Y.-H. Kim*, and J.-Y. Lee*, "High Efficiency (>10%) AgBiS2 Colloidal Nanocrystal Solar Cells with Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Polymer Hole Transport Layer", Advanced Materials, Early View, 2413081 (2024)

2. S. Lee†, S. Oh†, S. Han†, D. C. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Kim, H.-Y. Jeong, J.-W. Lee, M.-H. Lee, W. B. Ying, S. Jeong, S. Lee, J. Kim, Y. H. Kim, B. J. Kim, E.-c. Jeon, T.-S. Kim, S. Cho, and J.-Y. Lee*, “Advancing High-Efficiency, Stretchable Organic Solar Cells: Novel Liquid Metal Electrode Architecture”, Energy & Environmental Science, 17, 8915-8925 (2024)

3. S. Lee​†, J. Kim†, H. Kim, C. Kim, S. Kim, C. Kim, H. Lee, B. Choi, C. Muthu, T. Kim, J. Lee, S. Lee, H. Ihee, and J.-Y. Lee*, "Brightening deep-blue perovskite light-emitting diodes: A path to Rec. 2020", Science Advances, 10, 20, eadn8465 (2024)

4. J. Lee​†, B. Kim†, C. Kim, M.-H. Lee, I. Kozakci, S. Cho, B. Kim, S. Y. Lee, J. Kim, J. Oh, and J.-Y. Lee*, "Unlocking the Potential of Colloidal Quantum Dot/Organic Hybrid Solar Cells: Band Tunable Interfacial Layer Approach", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 33, 39408 (2023)

5. C. Kim​†, I. Kozakci†, S. Y. Lee, B. Kim, J. Kim, J. Lee, B. S. Ma, E. S. Oh, T.-S. Kim, and J.-Y. Lee*, "Quantum Dot-Siloxane Anchoring on Colloidal Quantum Dot Film for Flexible Photovoltaic Cell", Small, 19, 41, 2302195 (2023)


1. 이정용, 이지형, "전극 제조 방법 및 안테나", 10-2022-0144389, (2022), Korea (출원)

Conference presentations

1. J. Lee and J.-Y. Lee, "Spatial charge manipulation at electron transport layer/colloidal quantum dot interfaces for efficient charge extraction in hybrid solar cells", The Polymer Society of Korea (2024), Jeju, Korea (Poster)

2. J. Lee, S. Cho, and J.-Y. Lee, "Highly efficient quantum dot hybrid solar cell using organic transport layer", Nano korea (2022), Ilsan, Korea (Poster)

Experience, Honors, and Awards 

1. 박사과정생 연구장려금지원 선정, 한국연구재단 (2024.09~2026.09, 2년)

2. Visiting student researcher, Zhenan Bao Group, Stanford University (2024.08~2025.01, 6 months)

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