Advanced Devices for Energy Conversion


10 Self-Supplied Nano-Fusing and Transferring Metal Nanostructures via Surface Oxide Reduction ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8/2 , 1112 Jaeho Ahn†, Ji-Won Seo†, Jong Yun Kim, Jaemin Lee, Changsoon Cho, Juhoon Kang, Sung-Yool Choi, and Jung-Yong Lee*
9 Roughening Conjugated Polymer Surface for Enhancing the Charge Collection Efficiency of Sequentially Deposited Polymer/Fullerene Photovoltacsic Polymers 7/8 , 1497 Yoonhee Jang, Ji-Won Seo, Jeesoo Seok, Jung-Yong Lee, and Kyungkon Kim*
8 Resonance-shifting hybrid n-layer for boosting near infrared response in highly efficient colloidal quantum dots solar cells Advanced Materials 27/48 , 8102 Se-Woong Baek†, Jung Hoon Song†, Woong Choi, Hyunjoon Song, Sohee Jeong*, and Jung-Yong Lee*
7 Toward Perfect Light Trapping in Thin-Film Photovoltaic cells: Full Utilization of Dual Characteristics of Light Advanced Optical Materials 3/12 , 1697 Changsoon Cho, Seonju Jeong, Hwan-Jin Choi, Nara Shin, BongSoo Kim, Eun-chae Jeon, and Jung-Yong Lee*
6 Enhancing the internal quantum efficiency and stability of organic solar cells via metallic nano-funnels Advanced Energy Materials 5/24 , 1501393 Se-Woong Baek, Jong Hun Kim, Juhoon Kang, Hyunsoo Lee, Jeong Young Park*, and Jung-Yong Lee*
5 Stability enhancement of normal-geometry organic solar cells in a highly damp condition: A study on the effect of top electrodes Organic Electronics 25 , 31 Donggeon Han, Hyunwoo Lee, Seonju Jeong, Jongjin Lee, Jung-Yong Lee, and Seunghyup Yoo*
4 Design of asymmetrically textured structure for efficient light trapping in building integrated photovoltaics Organic Electronics 26 , 61 Juhoon Kang†, Changsoon Cho†, and Jung-Yong Lee*
3 Development of highly transparent Pd-coated Ag nanowire electrode for display and catalysis applications Applied Surface Science 350 , 79 Ali Canlier, Umit Volkan Ucak, Hakan Usta, Changsoon Cho, Jung-Yong Lee, Unal Senc, and Murat Citird*
2 Nanoimprinting-induced nanomorphological transition in polymer solar cells: enhanced electrical and optical performance ACS Nano 9/3 , 2773 Seonju Jeong, Changsoon Cho, Hyunbum Kang, Ki-Hyun Kim, Youngji Yuk, Jeong Young Park, Bumjoon J. Kim*, and Jung-Yong Lee*
1 Efficient Organic Photovoltaics Utilizing Nanoscale Heterojunctions in Sequentially Deposited Polymer/fullerene Bilayer Scientific Reports 5 , 8373 Jeesoo Seok, Tae Joo Shin, Sungmin Park, Changsoon Cho, Jung-Yong Lee, Du Yeol Ryu, Myung Hwa Kim, and Kyungkon Kim*
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